
We need your help! Although we are a grassroots movement, we have administrative costs like postage, website hosting, and Federal Election Commission compliance. Please consider a small gift at our bronze level today!

Bronze Level:
Silver Level:
Gold Level:

Choosing a dollar amount launches our secure payment system (Powered by Stripe™).

By contributing to Ready for Michelle PAC, you agree to the following:
1. I am at least 18 years old and this donation is not on behalf of anybody else.
2. I am a US citizen or an individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the U.S (i.e. a “green card” holder).
3. This donation is not paid from the treasury of a federal contractor or a national bank (this does not include contributions from individuals that are employees, shareholders, partners, officers, or subcontractors of federal contractors).
4. I understand that my contribution will be used in connection with federal elections and that I am free to donate an unlimited amount because Ready for Michelle PAC is an independent-expenditure-only political committee.
5. I understand that the dollar amount that I choose above is the amount for a one time gift to Ready for Michelle PAC and in addition to that gift I will be charged $5 monthly until I cancel the recurring gift subscription by contacting Ready for Michelle by postal mail (postmarked at least 20 calendar days prior to the next monthly charge).